Buy integral

Compra solidaleA way to contribute to our project is to buy in solidarity!

There are many ways of being consumers: for a better world, choose to be a consumer.

Choose to buy at our stores and our online catalogs means collaborating with us to keep alive a social enterprise that always works in the service of the person and the protection of the environment.

You can buy with buying antiques online request, online art, modernism and design online.

You can purchase your books through our online bookstore.

You can buy at our flea markets in Milan and Cambiago: antiques, antiques, modernism, contemporary art, furniture and furnishing, books to read or to collect, comics, paintings, prints, fashionable clothes and lace of her grandmother, and ancient objects, disks, collecting generally, household appliances, hi-tech.

With your purchases in your shopping cart you will find:
  • the human development understood as the ability to offer spaces and opportunities to achieve the fullness of its being through a respectful life path of resources, capabilities, desires of the person;

  • the protection of rights with actions to promote and support access to opportunities and the capacity of individual expression in the various areas of social activity, cultural, economic and employment;

  • work together to create a social system in place where you work, we grow, we communicate, you live and you learn to live a time of life;

  • a secondary prevention strategy created with initiatives that remove the disadvantage socio-cultural subjective deficit budget to support the development of the people;

  • the rooting in the territory provided to construct a space, a system of relationships, of closeness, sharing that return to citizenship and membership in a local community;

  • economy seen as the condition necessary for operating efficiency and realize social purposes in a self-reliance Scheme;

  • the quality of work and performance which expresses itself through the professionalism of its members, the provision of benefits, the efficiency of the Organization, the quality of reports;

  • research and innovation as an investment towards new frontiers in order to increase the ability to make new proposals in the processes of integration and emancipation from disadvantage and marginalization;

  • Networking as ability to build synergies with local institutions and the different social actors like the search for relationships that open new spaces of sociability and integration.

Good buy supportive at all!