Antique Chest of Drawers Cherrywood Beech Italy XIX Century - Italy, Mid XIX Century
Italy, Mid XIX Century
Age: 19th Century / 1801 - 1900
Origin: Italy
Main essence: Silver Fir , Cherry , Beech
Chest of drawers with cherry top, fir and beech interiors. Base with three drawers, top with two drawers and paneled doors with bird paintings. Missing parts. Italy, mid-19th century.
Product Condition:
Product that due to age and wear requires restoration and polishing. We try to present the real condition of the furniture as completely as possible with the photos. If some details are not clear from the photos, what is reported in the description is valid.
Dimensions (cm):
Height: 89
Width: 109
Maximum size (cm):
Height: 219,5
Width: 117,5
Depth: 58,5
Additional Information
Age: 19th Century / 1801 - 1900
19th Century / 1801 - 1900Main essence:
Silver Fir
Soft coniferous wood, used for rustic furniture or to build the chest, that is the structure, of furniture then veneered in more precious woods. It has been used since ancient times, its most valuable use is, in the Spruce variant, in the inlays of French antique furniture of the '700 . The spruce, more typical of northern Europe, in Italy grows mainly in the Eastern Alps at altitudes above 1300 m. The noblest use of this essence was in the construction of violins, guitars and cellos: Stradivari himself produced his famous violins with this wood.Cherry
Obtained from prunus cerasus , a plant of oriental origin, it is a hard wood with a light and delicate color, with a reddish vein. Due to its diffusion and availability it was used in Europe in popular furniture. In cabinet making, in the seventeenth century, it was widely used in France and England for inlay work. In Italy it was very successful in Lucca. It was also very popular in the United States for the manufacture, from the late 1600s, of commonly used furniture.The dictionary of antiques: Eclecticism
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It is a semi-hard wood which, unfortunately, is easily wormed, therefore it is considered poor. Due to its light but variegated shades, from blond to reddish, it was nevertheless appreciated by French cabinetmakers. It was mainly used for furniture structures or, as an alternative to walnut, by provincial English furniture makers for popular works, mostly in the 1700s. The noblest use is due to Thonèt, who applied the steam bending of the beech in the making of the furniture, in particular for the chairs that took his name.Other customers have searched:
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