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In the online bookstore you can find a catalog with a wide range (more than 30,000 titles!) of used books, old books and rare books. A selection that ranges between different genres such as: fiction, art, science, comics, religion, essays, children's books and many more. A choice of extremly rare books that is updated every day where you can find many unique and out of print pieces.

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Say "books" evokes a sea of ​​things: the simple pleasure of reading, in-depth studies of exciting studies, images of beauty, ancient and recent, words and emotions that put us in contact with other human beings, from the past or to us contemporary, transmission of experiences, tools to make known the good and the bad of the world around us, also taste for the book in its "corporeity". Our online library is the perfect choice for you. filled with all of this. Ours are used books, and above all, lived: they do not come out untouched by the publishing houses, but have already passed; for other hands, they are already; been read, savored, kept, have their own history, and we believe this adds to their value. Often they are ancient books that have survived: many re-emerge from old cellars or dusty attics, sometimes authentic rarities, of those that cause unspeakable emotions in passionate bibliophiles. Ours is not the same. as much a library where one comes to look for that rare book (even if it is often possible to find it), as well as a place where one goes to be amazed by a unexpected discovery, for the sake of finding or rediscovering unlikely titles, to also let oneself be guided in one's reading paths by small treasures resurfaced from the past. And since we believe that culture is a right for everyone, we choose to sell our used books at popular prices, within everyone's reach. Today buying used books online in normal book circuits is too many for too many; become a luxury to have to give up. We try to make sure that anyone can really afford this "superfluous" which is not superfluous: putting ideas, feelings, emotions, beauty back into circulation is essential. one of the goals that are closest to us; by heart. With this awareness we approach each time a new used book, ancient and unobtainable or modern art, which arrives at our used book markets. This awareness makes; to create a comparison, a research and a collaboration between us and with experts in the sector in order to be able to offer our customers not only the used book itself; but that something more; that only those who practice a job with passion can; offer. If it is is it true that "those who work with their hands are a worker, who works with his hands and his head is; a craftsman, who works his head and heart with his hands is; an artist" we, with good reason, can consider ourselves the artists of used books!


Used books

In our online used book catalog you can find more than 1000 books. of 30,000 titles. A selection that few bookstore can offer. Our strong point is the the type of books we offer. Here you can only find used books. We retrieve thousands of words every day. In our online library you can range from common books to out-of-print books that are no longer available for sale. printed. Our used books experts select used books with great care and attention before publishing them in our online library. On our used books site, in fact, you can; find the condition in which they are found within the descriptions of each product. A solution that we have developed with our experience to warn you of the condition they are in. Our online bookshop is busy every day. updated with new entries. Precisely for this reason we advise you to view our catalog every day. This way you will surely find the ancient book you were looking for. You can find used books of all kinds:

  • - Books on art
  • - Encyclopedias
  • - Philosophical books
  • - Discontinued books
  • - Comics
  • - Children's Books
  • - Books of Religion
  • - Travel books
  • - Manuals

and so much more! Don't miss our exclusive Di Mano in Mano library. For over 20 years we have been recovering words to put them back into circulation. We offer you all our experience and professionalism; in used books.


Old books and first editions


On our site of ancient books and first editions you can find priceless treasures. Among the many used books that we recover many times we find some very refined books: the first editions. These are very rare books and very hard to find. In our library, however, you can find this and much more. We can define our site as a site of unobtainable books. Not only do we have the first editions of books but also many antique books. old books are full of history. Not only for what is told in their pages but also for the drawings, images, covers, bindings, materials, stamps that are found inside them. Thanks to ancient books one can; be transported back in time. Being able to relive the past and understand the atmosphere we breathed. Buying an ancient book means buying a piece of history. Our goal is to that of not losing the cultural heritage and handing it down over the years. In our catalog you can find hundreds of antique books such as:

  • - Ancient Dictionaries
  • - Ancient Atlases
  • - History books
  • - Civil Codes
  • - Old Manuals

and much more. Visit our online bookstore full of precious treasures to buy a piece of history. Each used book is analyzed by our experts who, with all their passion for this work, research the story behind each book.

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Guglielma e Maifreda
Guglielma e Maifreda

Luisa Muraro
La Tartaruga Edizioni

Guglielma e Maifreda

Luisa Muraro
La Tartaruga Edizioni

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La mia estate con George
La mia estate con George

Marilyn French
La Tartaruga Edizioni

La mia estate con George

Marilyn French
La Tartaruga Edizioni

Hermione Beldame, elegante pseudonimo, è una scrittrice di romanzi rosa. A sessant'anni con qualche centinaio di romanzi, quattro matrimoni e un lifting alle spalle, è una donna arrivata. Ancora piacente, possiede una bella casa a New York, una casa di vacanze a Long Island e una Porsche. La sua vita scorre dorata e ben oliata tra qualche ora di lavoro la mattina, mostre d'arte, ristoranti di lusso, party e pettegolezzi. Quale segreta insoddisfazione la spinge dunque a perdere la testa per George, giornalista di provincia che non sa nemmeno distinguere tra un hamburger malcotto e i succulenti manicaretti dei ristoranti più raffinati?

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La vita di Charlotte Brontë
La vita di Charlotte Brontë

Elizabeth Gaskell
La Tartaruga Edizioni

La vita di Charlotte Brontë

Elizabeth Gaskell
La Tartaruga Edizioni

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L'alfabeto in giardino
L'alfabeto in giardino

Eleanor Perényi
La Tartaruga edizioni

L'alfabeto in giardino

Eleanor Perényi
La Tartaruga edizioni

Da astri a sempreverdi, da lombrichi a rododendri, l'autrice elenca in ordine alfabetico i trucchi del mestiere, i segreti scoperti da autodidatta, le risposte prevedibili o insospettate a tutti i problemi che piante e fiori pongono a ogni stagione. Per il floricultore della domenica, per l'esperto che pensa di non avere più niente da scoprire, per l'ammiratore casuale di verze e verdure, "L'alfabeto dei fiori" è un volumetto da tenere sempre a portata di mano, da sfogliare a caso o leggere con attenzione.

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Scrivere al buio
Scrivere al buio

Maria Nadotti, Bell Hooks
La Tartaruga edizioni

Scrivere al buio

Maria Nadotti, Bell Hooks
La Tartaruga edizioni

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Le lettere e i giorni. Corrispondenza 1887-1905
Le lettere e i giorni. Corrispondenza 1887-1905

Jeanne Proust, Marcel Proust
La Tartaruga

Le lettere e i giorni. Corrispondenza 1887-1905

Jeanne Proust, Marcel Proust
La Tartaruga

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Lord Peter e il cadavere
Lord Peter e il cadavere

Dorothy Sayers
La Tartaruga edizioni

Lord Peter e il cadavere

Dorothy Sayers
La Tartaruga edizioni

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Fiorella Cagnoni
La Tartaruga Edizioni


Fiorella Cagnoni
La Tartaruga Edizioni

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Cara Virginia
Cara Virginia

Louise De Salvo, Michell A. Leaska
La Tartaruga edizioni

Cara Virginia

Louise De Salvo, Michell A. Leaska
La Tartaruga edizioni

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Broderie Anglaise
Broderie Anglaise

Violet Trefusis
La Tartaruga Edizioni

Broderie Anglaise

Violet Trefusis
La Tartaruga Edizioni

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La lanterna magica
La lanterna magica

Gisela von Wysocki
La Tartaruga

La lanterna magica

Gisela von Wysocki
La Tartaruga

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La donna non aggressiva
La donna non aggressiva

Margarete Mitscherlich
La Tartaruga

La donna non aggressiva

Margarete Mitscherlich
La Tartaruga

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Il professore
Il professore

Charlotte Brontë
La Tartaruga Edizioni

Il professore

Charlotte Brontë
La Tartaruga Edizioni

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Nel cuore del giorno
Nel cuore del giorno

Elizabeth Bowen
La Tartaruga Edizioni

Nel cuore del giorno

Elizabeth Bowen
La Tartaruga Edizioni

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Il mio gatto Chico
Il mio gatto Chico

Elsa Haertter
La Tartaruga Edizioni

Il mio gatto Chico

Elsa Haertter
La Tartaruga Edizioni

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Ingannata con dolcezza
Ingannata con dolcezza

Angelica Garnett
La Tartaruga Edizioni

Ingannata con dolcezza

Angelica Garnett
La Tartaruga Edizioni

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Caro Scott, carissima Zelda
Caro Scott, carissima Zelda

Jackson R. Bryer, Cathy W. Barks
La Tartaruga

Caro Scott, carissima Zelda

Jackson R. Bryer, Cathy W. Barks
La Tartaruga

Un appassionato scambio di lettere che disegna la biografia emotiva e la vita di una coppia bella e dannata, quella di Francis Scott Fitzgerald e sua moglie Zelda. Il giovanissimo Scott incontra per la prima volta a un ballo la bella ed estrosa debuttante dell'Alabama e tra i due nasce un sentimento profondo che saprà sopravvivere a tutte le vicissitudini delle loro esistenze. Insieme conquistano la ribalta newyorkese dove assurgono a simboli di successo, vitalità e sregolatezza dopo l'improvviso trionfo del primo romanzo di Scott. Ma ben presto la rincorsa al successo di Scott, ogni giorno sempre più logorato dall'alcol, e i tentativi d'indipendenza di Zelda, rendono il sogno della coppia sempre più impossibile.

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Il bacio di un soldato
Il bacio di un soldato

Nadine Gordimer
La Tartaruga Edizioni

Il bacio di un soldato

Nadine Gordimer
La Tartaruga Edizioni

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Le lettere del mio nome
Le lettere del mio nome

Grazia Livi
La Tartaruga Edizioni

Le lettere del mio nome

Grazia Livi
La Tartaruga Edizioni

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Soffiando sulla cicoria matta
Soffiando sulla cicoria matta

Ilaria Rattazzi
La Tartaruga

Soffiando sulla cicoria matta

Ilaria Rattazzi
La Tartaruga

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