Main essence
- Gilded Wood [7]
- Maple Veneer [1]
- Mercury Mirror [1]
- Alabaster [1]
- Maple Slab [1]
- Tulipwood Slab [1]
- Boxwood Slab [1]
- Mahogany Slab [2]
- Walnut Slab [1]
- Marble [3]
- White Marble [1]
- Metal [1]
- Brass [1]
- Glass [1]
- Gilded Bronze [1]
- Carved Wood [5]
- Lacquered Wood [2]
- Teak Veneer [1]
- Back-Treated Glass [1]
- Black Marble [1]
- Metallic Enamelled [1]
- Yellow Marble of Siena [2]
- Walnut Feather Banded Slab [1]
In this section you can find all the Consoles in our catalog. A refined selection of Antique Consoles , Vintage Consoles , Consoles with Mirrors and Consoles from the 50s , 60s , 70s . In this wide choice you will surely find the one that suits your needs.
Read everything
The console is a Wall Table . It is one of the furnishings that best adapts to any type of room. It can be placed at the entrance, in the bedroom, in the living room, in the corridor and even in the study. The Entrance Console is very useful for placing the house keys or simply for keeping the shopping list. Whatever use you want to make of it, it is always useful to have a console as a Service Piece of Furniture . In the bedroom, on the other hand, the Console with Mirror is preferred. Widely used especially by women to freshen up in the evening before going to sleep. The console can also be used only to embellish the rooms of your home. An Elegant Console leaning against a wall to create a classy environment. In this catalog you can choose from many Antique, Modern and Design Consoles .
Ancient console
The Ancient Consoles were mostly representational and non-functional furniture. They were therefore used to embellish the rooms and this required great attention to detail. The most skilled craftsmen delighted in carving the furniture in the most particular ways to make them unique and of great prestige. Depending on the historical period, the place and the socio-political context to which the cabinet makers were subjected, different styles are identified. The consoles, but not only, are produced with different types of wood, lines and decorations. The Ancient Consoles were furniture with decorative purposes; ornamental objects such as bronzes , small sculptures , clocks , porcelain , vases and much more were placed on the top, generally in marble. In our catalog you can find all types: Classic Consoles, Living Room Consoles, Neoclassical Consoles, Consoles with Marble Tops, Baroque Consoles, Style Consoles, Bedroom Consoles, Living Room Consoles and much more.
In our catalog you will be able to indulge yourself in search of the Ancient Console you wanted so much and in the meantime, witness the multitude of styles that represent the Antiques in DiManoinMano .
What are these styles?
Art Deco , Baroque , Charles X , Directoire , Eclecticism , Empire , Neoclassical and Restoration .
Modern console
During the 1900s, the concept of furniture changed. They go from Furniture to beautify the Home to Functional Furniture . They must no longer represent the social class to which one belongs but must be useful for the activities carried out in daily life. All those elaborate decorations are omitted to embrace a design with simple lines. The Modern Consoles are produced in series and with new materials and colors. Precisely for this reason they are easily recognizable from the Ancient Consoles . We offer you a selection of Consoles of Modern Design and Design perfect to combine with a beautiful mirror .
For over 20 years, our cooperative has been one of the largest companies dealing with the sale of Antiques, Modern Design and Design . In fact, if you are interested in selling Used Consoles, do not hesitate to contact us to receive an evaluation of your Console . Our offer does not end there. All the products visible on our site are also available for the rental . Find out more about this service by visiting the dedicated website. You will find many unique and original objects, perfect for any type of occasion!
In our catalog you will be able to witness the presence of particular Modern Design Consoles , such as Consoles from the 50s and Consoles from the 80s , far from each other, but with one thing in common, beauty!
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