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33 cm 1120 cm

33 cm 338 cm

1 cm 43 cm


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David and Abigail

David and Abigail

Vincent Malò, fourth decade of the 17th century

Antique Painting Religious Subject Italy XVII Century

Antique Painting Religious Subject Italy XVII Century

XVII Century

Female Bust Marble 19th Century

Female Bust Marble 19th Century


Antique Painting Signed Christian Georg Schütz I Landscape '700

Antique Painting Signed Christian Georg Schütz I Landscape '700

River Landscape with Shepherdess and Ruins


Antique Painting Signed Christian Georg Schütz I Landscape '700

River Landscape with Shepherdess and Ruins

Oil on canvas. Signed " Schütz fecit" on the ruin to the right of the shepherdess. Christian Georg Schütz the Elder captures an idyllic and serene landscape, crossed by a winding and slow river; on the right bank stand some architectural ruins of classical structures, while in the foreground, seated in the center, serene and composed, a shepherdess spins wool while watching over her small flock of goats and cows. The painting is a hymn to nature, where the naturalistic elements, the earth, the sky, the river meet to form a harmonious and balanced scene, pervaded by pink light, in which the living figures and the architectural remains fit in with balance and calm. Schütz mainly painted river views of the Rhine and the Main, places he inhabited, and worked for important German clients, nobles and prelates. The painting has participated in several art auctions. Restored and relined, it is presented in a period frame.


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Antique Painting Signed G. Canella Historical Subject 1840 ca.

Antique Painting Signed G. Canella Historical Subject 1840 ca.

Clash between Military and Guerrillas in Spain


Antique Painting Signed G. Canella Historical Subject 1840 ca.

Clash between Military and Guerrillas in Spain

Oil on canvas. Accompanied by an expertise by Professor Fernando Mazzocca. The painting belongs to a series of works by the Veronese painter Giuseppe Canella set in Spain, following the artist's stay in that country between 1820 and 1823, which led him to stop in various Spanish cities, the last being Madrid where he frequented the court. From his travels around Europe, Canella brought back numerous drawings from which he took inspiration for the works later reworked in his studio in Milan, often then presented at the Exhibitions of the Brera Academy. In this work the reference is to a dramatic period in the history of Spain, marked by the constitutional uprisings against King Ferdinand VII of Bourbon, which provoked French intervention in support of the monarchy against the rebels. In reality, the historical event is almost a pretext for Canella to recall the harshness and charm of the mountainous landscape, which acts as a monumental backdrop to the clash between the army and the rebels, small and almost indistinct figures. The painting, in excellent condition, presents only very slight losses of color, already restored. It is presented in a contemporary frame.

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Antique Painting Signed G. Francesco Clipper Oil on Canvas '700

Antique Painting Signed G. Francesco Clipper Oil on Canvas '700

A Cherry Seller Being Courted by Two Musicians ca. 1720


Antique Painting Signed G. Francesco Clipper Oil on Canvas '700

A Cherry Seller Being Courted by Two Musicians ca. 1720

Oil on canvas. The painting is accompanied by an expertise by the art historian Dr. Giuseppe Sava. The protagonist of the open-air market scene is a cherry seller, wearing a showy straw hat and sitting next to a basket of these fruits placed on a wooden bench, next to a stone on which the steelyard rests. With a smiling, almost winking look, turned towards the viewer, she is accepting the advances of the man who, behind her, is placing a hand on her shoulder, with a lascivious look, while two musicians on the left improvise a small concert. The composite and cheerful group harks back to the production of Giacomo Francesco Cipper, known as Todeschini (1664 -1736), a painter of Austrian origins but Lombard in training and pictorial style, who was a "singer of peasants, street vendors intent on their daily occupations or pastimes", a specialist in market scenes, open-air concerts, card players, scenes of humble daily life created with laughing caricatural forcing and a search for comic effect. Cipper drew this narrative style from the Danish painter known as Monsù Bernardo, who was active for a long time in Italy between Bergamo and Milan: in particular, from him came the predilection for everyday stories and humble characters, as well as the impertinent nature of such characters, who seek the attention of the observer by staring at him. In this painting too, the female protagonist fixes her mischievous gaze on the observer, smiling with complicity and irony at the courtship game in which the three men make her the protagonist, implying a "market" that is no longer just that of cherries. In his expertise, Dr. Sava underlines the stylistic and typological relations of this painting with other characters by Cipper, in support of the attribution; the stylistic evolution in the formal and technical aspects of his works is also explained - the colors that lighten, with an evident predilection for ochre, hazelnut, sage green, among which powder blue creeps in; the milky backgrounds, the softer luminosity and the less plastic chiaroscuro -, an evolution that allows us to place the work in his production of the early 18th century. The painting has been restored and relined. It is presented in an adapted antique frame.


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Louis Dorigny Attr. Oil on Canvas France XVII-XVIII Century

Louis Dorigny Attr. Oil on Canvas France XVII-XVIII Century

Erminia among the Shepherds


Louis Dorigny Attr. Oil on Canvas France XVII-XVIII Century

Erminia among the Shepherds

Oil on canvas. The large canvas recounts an episode taken from the Gerusalemme Liberata by Torquato Tasso, in which the young Erminia, princess of Antioch secretly in love with Tancredi, witnesses the wounding of her beloved in a duel. Driven by love, she therefore wears the weapons of the warrior Clorinda, her close friend, and at night she goes out to reach her beloved Tancredi and heal him. But in the Christian camp a ray of moonlight illuminates her and, mistaken for Clorinda by the sentries, she is forced to make a hasty flight: this is how it happens in a village inhabited by shepherds who live far from the war in an idyllic space, where she asks and obtains to be hosted for some time in the (vain) hope of forgetting her unhappy love. The work, already attributed to Carlo Loth, is rather referable to the production of Louis Dorigny, the Parisian painter who lived for a long time in Italy, in Rome, in Venice and finally definitively in Verona, where he obtained numerous orders from Veronese but also from clients. Venetians and Lombards, extending his activity as a fresco painter from Bergamo to Udine. In Verona since the beginning of the century, the preferences in the field of painting went towards a complex classicistic language in the composition, but calm and elegant, even in the great decorative works. Dorigny conforms to this painting, who in this canvas combines the balanced classicism of Simon Vouet (of whom he was grandson) with the chiaroscuro he learned in Rome and the calm Venetian elegance. Restored and relined, the painting is presented in an early 20th century frame.

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Antique Candle-Holders Painted Wood Italy XIX Century

Antique Candle-Holders Painted Wood Italy XIX Century

Venice, Early XIX Century


Antique Candle-Holders Painted Wood Italy XIX Century

Venice, Early XIX Century

Pair of candle holders resting on bases, Venice first half of the 19th century. Carved and lacquered Moors, dressed in mecca-gilded and multi-coloured robes and shoes; with their raised arm they hold a candle base, while in the other they hold a small plate. The two moors rest on the same number of lacquered octagonal bases, decorated with marbled elements and a pair of carved and gilded lion protomes. Dishes that are not contemporary.

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Antique Painting Gallant Scene French School XVIII Century

Antique Painting Gallant Scene French School XVIII Century

French school. Mid 18th century


Antique Painting Gallant Scene French School XVIII Century

French school. Mid 18th century

Oil on wooden board. French School. Mid-18th century. The scene depicts a party in a park enclosed by walls with arched openings that open onto the countryside, and decorated on the right with an amphora on a small column and in the center, behind the figures, with a gushing fountain, with statues of cherubs and shells. Two couples of richly dressed ladies and gentlemen are gallantly entertaining each other, surrounded by servants; one of the men is playing the violin, crouched in front of his lady who, flanked by the damsel, follows the melody on the score held by the black man at her side, while two musicians accompany the playing with the flute and a mandolin; the other couple, in an attitude of intimate dialogue, listens on the left, while on the right the hunter returning from the hunt also observes the scene. The painting is presented in a period frame.

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Antique Painting Signed Maximilian Pfeiler Oil on Canvas XVII Century

Antique Painting Signed Maximilian Pfeiler Oil on Canvas XVII Century

Grapes, figs, pomegranates and peaches on a capital


Antique Painting Signed Maximilian Pfeiler Oil on Canvas XVII Century

Grapes, figs, pomegranates and peaches on a capital

Oil on canvas. Signed ‘Max. PF.' on the upper frame of the capital. The still life consists of grapes, pomegranate and peaches placed on a capital, there is also a silver tray in the composition; in the background is a landscape with trees and ruins, on the left is a glimpse of a cerulean sky, barely veiled by clouds. Maximilian Pfeiler made a name for himself with his still lifes in which he placed an architectural fragment in the background of the flowers and fruit, already introducing the taste for ancient ruins that was to become fully established in the 18th century. The painting has been retouched and restored (minor repainting). It is presented in a frame.

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Antique Painting Religious Subject Oil on Canvas 1750 ca.

Antique Painting Religious Subject Oil on Canvas 1750 ca.

Penitent Magdalene, ca. 1750


Antique Painting Religious Subject Oil on Canvas 1750 ca.

Penitent Magdalene, ca. 1750

Oil on canvas. The figure of Mary Magdalene is represented here, as per tradition, with long red hair; with a gesture of painful dedication she fixes her gaze on the crucifix, which she holds with her left hand pressed against her right arm, which in turn is folded in a sign of collected penitence. The whole body is rendered with a splendid counter-twist, which has the effect of making the viewer feel the tension of the moment experienced by the saint. On her left is visible the skull, her traditional attribute, and in the background one can glimpse the outline of the cave in which she is placed. The part of the body emerges, thanks to the intense luminosity of the arms, connected to the red ochre shades of the hair and face, thus also accentuating the erotic character of the scene, recalling the exuberant painting of Rubens, which had a great influence on Crespi's work. This captivating and delightful figure of the Magdalene follows the widespread trend in the 17th and 18th centuries to depict saints with an undertone of human sensuality, revealing the patrons' preference for sacred themes imbued with profane elements. The painting, restored and relined, is presented in a late 19th-early 20th century frame.

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Pair of Antique Paintings on Slate Religious Subject XVII Century

Pair of Antique Paintings on Slate Religious Subject XVII Century

The Penitent Magdalene and St. John the Baptist


Pair of Antique Paintings on Slate Religious Subject XVII Century

The Penitent Magdalene and St. John the Baptist

Oil on slate. Two examples of oil painting on stone are proposed here, a pictorial genre that was particularly popular in the Venetian Republic between the 16th and 17th centuries, in its form of oil painting on blackboard or touchstone. The choice of such a dark stone as a background is not only linked to practical reasons (the proximity of the mines of Brescia and Val Brembana), but, as our two works clearly demonstrate, the emergence of the figures from the dark background responds to the light also full to the new needs of the painting of the time, which in the climate of the Counter-Reformation, tended to express not only the idealized existential certainties of the full Renaissance, but also the anxieties and the opening up to new phases, already tending with Tintoretto towards greater attention to reality and luministic contrasts, to then flow overwhelmingly into seventeenth-century research strongly focused on the contrasting combination of light and shadow. The two works presented here, well within the production of the Venetian area of ​​the first decades of the 17th century, propose two figures of saints, both hermits, placed on a dark, barely visible naturalistic background. The figure of Magdalene emerges from the darkness, leaning to follow the curve of the stone support; she is depicted looking questioningly towards the darkness, as if in a listening attitude, her left hand raised and the other resting on the remarkably shortened "memento mori". In front of her a scourge and the jar of ointment. Painted en pendant, Saint John the Baptist is represented as a young man, with a lamb at his feet, in his hand the processional cross with the banner "ecce agnus dei", while with his right hand he draws from the water source, recalling the episode that will see Jesus Christ baptized. In both paintings the figures stand out in a strong and incisive way thanks to the black that characterizes the slate plaque on which they are depicted. The two paintings, in an oval format, are presented in black wooden frames, from the late 19th century.

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Antique Painting Jesus Christ and the Adulteress Flemish XVI Century

Antique Painting Jesus Christ and the Adulteress Flemish XVI Century

Flemish School, XVI Century


Antique Painting Jesus Christ and the Adulteress Flemish XVI Century

Flemish School, XVI Century

Oil on wooden board. Flemish school of the 16th century. The work has a plaque at the base attributing it to Lambert Van Noort (1520 -1571), justified by the closeness to his pictorial methods which can be found in the faces of Jesus and Magdalene, but not confirmable for the other parts of the painting. The work recounts the episode from the Gospel of John in which the scribes and Pharisees brought a woman accused of adultery to Jesus, to test her observance of the law of Moses, which included stoning. But Jesus, bending down to the ground, began to write with his finger in the dust, then when urged, he pronounced the words "Let anyone among you who is without sin cast the first stone", saving the woman and subsequently forgiving her. The large stage is filled with a large and tight group of characters. Jesus in the centre, is the only figure bent on the ground, estranged from the rest of the group and fixed in his gesture of writing with one finger; standing behind him, with a precise vertical alignment of her face with that of Christ, is the accused woman, who covers her body with her cloak observing Jesus' gesture, while awaiting the sentence; all around the scribes, the Pharisees, some soldiers, who instead speak animatedly among themselves, are agitated, confronting each other, indicating what Jesus is doing. The subject was widely represented in Flemish painting, with different interpretative methods. If in this painting the Flemish school is clearly perceived in the faces with hard features and in the rather rigid bodies in the movements of the scribes and Pharisees, as well as in the representation of the building in the background and in the meticulous representation of the shoes in the right foreground, the two The figures of Jesus and the woman are instead affected by the Italian influence, which softened the features of the faces, gave the movements of the body greater composure and gracefulness, and with the help of a brighter color made them stand out among the other figures. The panel of the painting was subjected to restoration and relined in the first half of the 20th century. The painting is presented in an adapted antique frame.

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Modern Drawing C. Bravo Camus Chiquito Futbolista de Tanger 1982

Modern Drawing C. Bravo Camus Chiquito Futbolista de Tanger 1982

Chiquito Futbolista de Tanger 1982


Modern Drawing C. Bravo Camus Chiquito Futbolista de Tanger 1982

Chiquito Futbolista de Tanger 1982

Sanguine on paper. Signed and dated in Roman numerals lower right. The title at the top right. Claudio Bravo Camus was a Chilean painter who established himself above all for his compositions (particularly parcels) and hyper-realistic portraits, including those of eminent political figures. Rightly considered one of the greatest masters of hyperrealism, Claudio Bravo pursued photography in painting, but always starting from the direct observation of the objects themselves: "The eyes see much more than the camera: half tones, shadows, minute changes of color and lights,” he said. The portrait presented here, that of a well-known Moroccan football player, exudes a meticulous and mimetic realism, particularly in the man's gaze; it was created during the years in which the artist lived in Tangier, where he had taken refuge to escape Franco's dictatorship. It is presented in a frame.

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Antique Painting Mentore Silvani Oil on Canvas Italy 1872

Antique Painting Mentore Silvani Oil on Canvas Italy 1872

Snowy Landscape with Figures 1872


Antique Painting Mentore Silvani Oil on Canvas Italy 1872

Snowy Landscape with Figures 1872

Oil on canvas. Signed, dated 1872 and located in Parma in the lower right corner. It is a large winter landscape with a strong scenic impact, which fits well into the scenographic traditionalism of the painting of Mentore Silvani, a native artist of Traversetolo (Parma), a landscape painter but also known as a set designer. In the scene, sprinkled with the white of a short snowfall that creates that typical rarefied and silent winter atmosphere, between bare and dry trees, a dirt road winds its way through by a traveler; on the right a dilapidated building with a wash house where a woman draws water; in the center a small column on which a sacred image is mounted. Trained in his hometown, Silvani participated in the exhibitions of the Encouragement of Parma starting from 1864, and it is mainly in his city that his works are found today (at the Municipality of Parma, the National Gallery, the Paolo Toschi artistic high school ); however, he also exhibited in Milan (1872) and Florence (1875). Trained as a scenographer at the school of Gerolamo Magnani, Silvani held this position in Parma but also in Venice starting from 1871. His pictorial production, which includes mainly rural landscapes of the Parma countryside, is always characterized by fidelity to reality. The work proposed here is presented in a contemporary frame.

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Antique Painting with The Announcement Oil on Hardboard Italy 500

Antique Painting with The Announcement Oil on Hardboard Italy 500


Antique Painting with The Announcement Oil on Hardboard Italy 500

Oil on wooden board. Central Italian school of the second half of the 16th century. The sacred scene of the Annunciation sees the two protagonist figures placed in the foreground in an interior that corresponds to Mary's room. The young woman is sitting in front of a small wooden desk, supported by figures of angels, on which rests the prayer book and a vase with small flowers; at her feet, the sewing basket. Mary's body is partially turned backwards, in a twisted movement, almost as if she were trying to escape, as if she wanted to get away from the other figure, that of the Archangel Gabriel. He stands on the right, majestic and elegant, with one hand holding a lily and the other pointing upwards above him, where the white dove, symbol of the Holy Spirit, is emerging from a gap of light. In the background, tall columns with drapes surmount the platform on which Mary's bed rests. The composition refers, in the figurative style and in the chromatic choices, to the already mannerist painting of the schools of central Italy: in particular there is a strong concordance of style and composition with some works of the same subject by the painter Bastiano Vini Detto Bastiano Veronese (1525-1530 / 1602), who lived and worked in Pistoia from around 1540. It is in this city that some of his Annunciations are found: in particular the one in the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie (an altarpiece measuring over two meters in height), shows clear similarities on a formal and compositional level with the one presented here . There is concordance in the setting of the sacred scene: a room, in the background of which is a curtain that partially covers a bed, furnished with the elements essential to the narrative, the lectern and the chair richly decorated with caryatids of cherubs or angels that seem to be carved in the wood. The compositional scheme corresponds, albeit with slight variations, with the two figures arranged "frieze-like" on the same laying plane, and the somatic features of the Virgin and the Archangel also correspond. However, the floor differs, which, while it is homogeneous in our table, in the Pistoia one presents itself with alternating checkerboard colors, but it seems that this design of the floor was added in a later period, on the occasion of the reconstruction of the altar in 1637 -1639, in pendant with that of another work by the same Sebastiano Vini in the same church, a Sacred Conversation. It therefore seems rather certain that our panel was painted looking at the work of Bastiano Veronese, probably at the specific request of the client, and before the change in the floor, therefore dating back to the second half of the 16th century. The painting has undergone restoration, with the application of two reinforcements to the back of the panel. It is presented in a late 19th century setting. (Reference for the Pistoia altarpiece: Catalog of cultural heritage

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The Allegory of Autumn White Marble Italy XIX Century

The Allegory of Autumn White Marble Italy XIX Century

Italy, Half XIX Century


The Allegory of Autumn White Marble Italy XIX Century

Italy, Half XIX Century

Female statue in white statuary marble, allegorical personification of autumn, Italy mid-19th century. Whole figure dressed in the old fashioned way with gown, headdress of vine leaves and bunches of grapes, the latter also placed along the left side; with his right arm he holds autumn fruits. Resting on a circular base. Small breaks.

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Ancient Sculpture of an Angel Early XVIII Century Linden

Ancient Sculpture of an Angel Early XVIII Century Linden

Lombardy Early 18th Century


Ancient Sculpture of an Angel Early XVIII Century Linden

Lombardy Early 18th Century

Sculpture of a baroque angel holding a vase in carved lime wood and completely repainted black in a later period, Lombardy, early 18th century. The figure, dressed in a robe decorated with lambrequins, is placed on a base supported by four feral feet. The tastings carried out brought the original colors to light.

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Ancient Painting G. Muzzioli '800 Portrait Drunk Baccus Oil on Canvas

Ancient Painting G. Muzzioli '800 Portrait Drunk Baccus Oil on Canvas

Drunk Baccus


Ancient Painting G. Muzzioli '800 Portrait Drunk Baccus Oil on Canvas

Drunk Baccus

Oil on canvas. Signed lower right. The god is depicted standing on the scene, clad only in a cloth around his loins and by ivy leaves placed on his hips and head, while holding a chalice in one hand; his gaze is vacant and dazed. Behind him, a semi-reclining putto plays with ivy. All around are white clouds, just as the ground is white, with flashes of blue sky and a green bush creating the only contrasts. On the back of the work is the label 'Mario Galli Collezione d'Arte', with cataloguing number 64 and the artist's autograph inscription. The work well represents the painting of this artist, who was born in Modena but trained artistically first in Rome and then in Florence, where he spent most of his life. His rich production initially proposed mainly historical subjects, but then turned to portraits and finally to landscapes. His uniqueness can be recognised in his ability to range from historical subjects, often placed in settings taken from ancient Pompeii, to the Macchiaioli-style naturalism of his second period, in which Muzzioli sought a significant perception of atmosphere and light in subjects inspired by the rural Tuscan environment, often set in antiquity. In this work, a portrait of a mythological character, the artist's luministic intent strongly transpires, the search for the effect of light playing on the naked bodies of the god and the putto, then fading into the background. The Art Gallery label leads back to the Florentine Mario Galli (1877 -1946), a sculptor who was also an important collector of works especially by Macchiaioli. The work shows an important crack and has been retouched. It is presented in a stylish frame.

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Contemporary Drawing by Fausto Melotti Painting Pencil on Paper Frame

Contemporary Drawing by Fausto Melotti Painting Pencil on Paper Frame

Sculpture project


Contemporary Drawing by Fausto Melotti Painting Pencil on Paper Frame

Sculpture project

Pencil on watermarked paper. Signed lower left. The drawing is accompanied by an authentication on photo from the Fausto Melotti Archive, with code DIS 36 015, showing the data of the work. Fausto Melotti was a multifaceted and very prolific artist and it is almost impossible to link his production to a particular technique or theme, without providing only a partial view of his artistic vision. The salient features that are constant in Melotti are geometry, the study of abstraction, which leads him to use realistic but not scientifically accurate elements, and arranging the elements so that they recall a musical rhythm, a detail that refers to his training as a musician Sculptor, painter, musician, poet, he made numerous design drawings for his works. Drawing represented for him a fundamental exercise, to transfuse the original graphic trait from sheets of paper into sculptures and ceramics. The sculptures for which he is best known are made up of geometric elements made with metals (brass, iron and gold) worked into thin filaments, giving life to ethereal, weightless and almost fragile compositions. The work is presented in a frame.

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