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In the online bookstore you can find a catalog with a wide range (more than 30,000 titles!) of used books, old books and rare books. A selection that ranges between different genres such as: fiction, art, science, comics, religion, essays, children's books and many more. A choice of extremly rare books that is updated every day where you can find many unique and out of print pieces.

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Say "books" evokes a sea of ​​things: the simple pleasure of reading, in-depth studies of exciting studies, images of beauty, ancient and recent, words and emotions that put us in contact with other human beings, from the past or to us contemporary, transmission of experiences, tools to make known the good and the bad of the world around us, also taste for the book in its "corporeity". Our online library is the perfect choice for you. filled with all of this. Ours are used books, and above all, lived: they do not come out untouched by the publishing houses, but have already passed; for other hands, they are already; been read, savored, kept, have their own history, and we believe this adds to their value. Often they are ancient books that have survived: many re-emerge from old cellars or dusty attics, sometimes authentic rarities, of those that cause unspeakable emotions in passionate bibliophiles. Ours is not the same. as much a library where one comes to look for that rare book (even if it is often possible to find it), as well as a place where one goes to be amazed by a unexpected discovery, for the sake of finding or rediscovering unlikely titles, to also let oneself be guided in one's reading paths by small treasures resurfaced from the past. And since we believe that culture is a right for everyone, we choose to sell our used books at popular prices, within everyone's reach. Today buying used books online in normal book circuits is too many for too many; become a luxury to have to give up. We try to make sure that anyone can really afford this "superfluous" which is not superfluous: putting ideas, feelings, emotions, beauty back into circulation is essential. one of the goals that are closest to us; by heart. With this awareness we approach each time a new used book, ancient and unobtainable or modern art, which arrives at our used book markets. This awareness makes; to create a comparison, a research and a collaboration between us and with experts in the sector in order to be able to offer our customers not only the used book itself; but that something more; that only those who practice a job with passion can; offer. If it is is it true that "those who work with their hands are a worker, who works with his hands and his head is; a craftsman, who works his head and heart with his hands is; an artist" we, with good reason, can consider ourselves the artists of used books!


Used books

In our online used book catalog you can find more than 1000 books. of 30,000 titles. A selection that few bookstore can offer. Our strong point is the the type of books we offer. Here you can only find used books. We retrieve thousands of words every day. In our online library you can range from common books to out-of-print books that are no longer available for sale. printed. Our used books experts select used books with great care and attention before publishing them in our online library. On our used books site, in fact, you can; find the condition in which they are found within the descriptions of each product. A solution that we have developed with our experience to warn you of the condition they are in. Our online bookshop is busy every day. updated with new entries. Precisely for this reason we advise you to view our catalog every day. This way you will surely find the ancient book you were looking for. You can find used books of all kinds:

  • - Books on art
  • - Encyclopedias
  • - Philosophical books
  • - Discontinued books
  • - Comics
  • - Children's Books
  • - Books of Religion
  • - Travel books
  • - Manuals

and so much more! Don't miss our exclusive Di Mano in Mano library. For over 20 years we have been recovering words to put them back into circulation. We offer you all our experience and professionalism; in used books.


Old books and first editions


On our site of ancient books and first editions you can find priceless treasures. Among the many used books that we recover many times we find some very refined books: the first editions. These are very rare books and very hard to find. In our library, however, you can find this and much more. We can define our site as a site of unobtainable books. Not only do we have the first editions of books but also many antique books. old books are full of history. Not only for what is told in their pages but also for the drawings, images, covers, bindings, materials, stamps that are found inside them. Thanks to ancient books one can; be transported back in time. Being able to relive the past and understand the atmosphere we breathed. Buying an ancient book means buying a piece of history. Our goal is to that of not losing the cultural heritage and handing it down over the years. In our catalog you can find hundreds of antique books such as:

  • - Ancient Dictionaries
  • - Ancient Atlases
  • - History books
  • - Civil Codes
  • - Old Manuals

and much more. Visit our online bookstore full of precious treasures to buy a piece of history. Each used book is analyzed by our experts who, with all their passion for this work, research the story behind each book.

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La conquista del mare
La conquista del mare

John H. Parry

La conquista del mare

John H. Parry

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La morte di Cesare
La morte di Cesare

Barry Strauss

La morte di Cesare

Barry Strauss

Le Idi di marzo hanno cambiato la storia dell'Occidente, ben più di quello che i congiurati avrebbero mai potuto immaginare...

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Pink Floyd
Pink Floyd

Glenn Povey
24 Ore Cultura

Pink Floyd

Glenn Povey
24 Ore Cultura

Poche altre band hanno avuto l'influenza artistica e il successo commerciale dei Pink Floyd. Con oltre 200 milioni di album venduti in tutto il mondo e più di 40 anni di carriera alle spalle, mantengono tuttora la loro immensa popolarità e continuano ad attrarre fans a ogni nuova generazione. I Pink Floyd, nati nella seconda metà degli anni Sessanta, inaugurarono ben presto un nuovo stile di rock progressivo psichedelico, fatto di suoni quadrifonici, esplosivi effetti scenici e una narrazione di tipo teatrale. Nel corso degli anni Settanta crearono una serie di indimenticabili concept albums, tra cui "The Dark Side Of The Moon", "Wish You Were Here", "Animals" e "The Wall". I loro leggendari spettacoli divennero sempre più fantasmagorici, toccando il culmine, nel 1994, con quello, strabiliante, del tour per "The Division Bell". "Pink Floyd" accompagna il lettore alla scoperta della carriera della mitica band, ripercorrendone nel dettaglio l'affascinante storia e l'impressionante discografia. Facsimili inediti di rari memorabilia (accurate riproduzioni di manifesti, locandine, programmi e biglietti) completano il volume, scandendo l'ascesa dei Pink Floyd da convinti adepti della psichedelia a superstar da stadio.

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Hector Guimard Arch d'Art Paris
Hector Guimard Arch d'Art Paris

Harry N. Abrams, Inc.

Hector Guimard Arch d'Art Paris

Harry N. Abrams, Inc.

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Stop all'aggressività
Stop all'aggressività

Arnold P. Goldstein, Barry Glick
Edizioni Centro Studi Erickson

Stop all'aggressività

Arnold P. Goldstein, Barry Glick
Edizioni Centro Studi Erickson

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Harry Wu
San Paolo Edizioni


Harry Wu
San Paolo Edizioni

Nell'aprile 1960 le autorità del Partito Comunista Cinese arrestano Harry Wu, figlio di un banchiere di Shangai, e lo gettano in un campo di lavori forzati. Benché mai formalmente incriminato e sottoposto a processo, egli trascorre diciannove anni in un infernale mondo sottorraneo di lavori umilianti, denutrizione, torture. Nel suo libro, scritto insieme alla giornalista Carolyn Wakeman, Harry Wu narra la sua storia della prigionia e della sua sopravvivenza, degli straordinari atti di coraggio che lui e i compagni dovettero praticare per aiutarsi reciprocamente con un indimenticabile eroismo. Uscito dalle prigioni nel 1979, Harry Wu si trasferisce negli Stati Uniti dove testimonia davanti al Congresso sugli abusi dei diritti umani in Cina. Ha ricevuto numerosi premi e riconoscimenti internazionali. Il suo libro, storia toccante della vittoria di un uomo, è una testimonianza del potere dello spirito umano.

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Psicologia comparata dello sviluppo mentale
Psicologia comparata dello sviluppo mentale

Heinz Werner
Giunti Barbera

Psicologia comparata dello sviluppo mentale

Heinz Werner
Giunti Barbera

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Ubu Re
Ubu Re

Alfred Jarry
Adelphi - Arnoldo Mondadori Editore

Ubu Re

Alfred Jarry
Adelphi - Arnoldo Mondadori Editore

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I giorni e le notti
I giorni e le notti

Alfred Jarry
Newton Compton Editori

I giorni e le notti

Alfred Jarry
Newton Compton Editori

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The One-Straw Revolution
The One-Straw Revolution

Masanobu Fukuoka
New York Review Books

The One-Straw Revolution

Masanobu Fukuoka
New York Review Books

Call it “Zen and the Art of Farming” or a “Little Green Book,” Masanobu Fukuoka's manifesto about farming, eating, and the limits of human knowledge presents a radical challenge to the global systems we rely on for our food. At the same time, it is a spiritual memoir of a man whose innovative system of cultivating the earth reflects a deep faith in the wholeness and balance of the natural world. As Wendell Berry writes in his preface, the book “is valuable to us because it is at once practical and philosophical. It is an inspiring, necessary book about agriculture because it is not just about agriculture.”

Trained as a scientist, Fukuoka rejected both modern agribusiness and centuries of agricultural practice, deciding instead that the best forms of cultivation mirror nature's own laws. Over the next three decades he perfected his so-called “do-nothing” technique: commonsense, sustainable practices that all but eliminate the use of pesticides, fertilizer, tillage, and perhaps most significantly, wasteful effort.

Whether you're a guerrilla gardener or a kitchen gardener, dedicated to slow food or simply looking to live a healthier life, you will find something here—you may even be moved to start a revolution of your own.

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Five Films by Frederick Wiseman
Five Films by Frederick Wiseman

Barry Keith Grant
University of California Press

Five Films by Frederick Wiseman

Barry Keith Grant
University of California Press

"Barry Grant has created a monumental resource for the study of a monumental filmmaker. The transcripts of these five films have been meticulously constructed without compromising the vitality and energy that characterizes the films themselves. This book should be invaluable to film scholars for as long as the films of Fred Wiseman are viewed, discussed and dissected—which we now know will be a long time indeed."—Ross McElwee, Director, Sherman's March and Bright Leaves

"Fred Wiseman is the perfect example of someone who has created a great canon of films. He is not just a great documentary filmmaker, he is a great filmmaker and artist. He has created some of the wildest, most personal, and oddly expressionistic filmmaking around. His origins are not in the movies but in the theater of the absurd. I imagine his smile of pleasure when the man in Welfare compares his situation to Godot. It's not life imitating art, but a strange admixture of both where the boundary lines between the two are no longer visible. Ultimately, Wiseman has showed us that the ultimate institution is life itself, and properly speaking, we should all be institutionalized."—Errol Morris

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L' histoire de Noisy-Noisette
L' histoire de Noisy-Noisette

Beatrix Potter
Frederick Warne & co., LTD

L' histoire de Noisy-Noisette

Beatrix Potter
Frederick Warne & co., LTD

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Histoire de Pierre Lapin
Histoire de Pierre Lapin

Beatrix Potter
Frederick Warne & co., LTD

Histoire de Pierre Lapin

Beatrix Potter
Frederick Warne & co., LTD

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Histoire de Sophie Canétang
Histoire de Sophie Canétang

Beatrix Potter
Frederick Warne & co., LTD

Histoire de Sophie Canétang

Beatrix Potter
Frederick Warne & co., LTD

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Histoire de la famille Flopsaut
Histoire de la famille Flopsaut

Beatrix Potter
Frederick Warne & co., LTD

Histoire de la famille Flopsaut

Beatrix Potter
Frederick Warne & co., LTD

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Barry Lopez


Barry Lopez

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Storia sociale della follia
Storia sociale della follia

Roy Porter
Garzanti Editore

Storia sociale della follia

Roy Porter
Garzanti Editore

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Victoria Pottery Galleries and Thames Cut Glass Works
Victoria Pottery Galleries and Thames Cut Glass Works

James Green & Nephew
Allbut & Daniel

Victoria Pottery Galleries and Thames Cut Glass Works

James Green & Nephew
Allbut & Daniel

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Ferrari che macchine (6 fascicoli)
Ferrari che macchine (6 fascicoli)

Editoriale internazionale

Ferrari che macchine (6 fascicoli)

Editoriale internazionale

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Immigrazione e stato sociale in Europa
Immigrazione e stato sociale in Europa

Tito Boeri, Barry McCormick
Università Bocconi Editore

Immigrazione e stato sociale in Europa

Tito Boeri, Barry McCormick
Università Bocconi Editore

Nell'ultimo decennio l'immigrazione verso l'Unione Europea ha raggiunto dimensioni ragguardevoli: il flusso netto di immigrati legali per l'intera Unione nel periodo 1990-1998 è stato pari a 2,2 arrivi ogni 1000 abitanti, contro 3 negli Stati Uniti. In Europa, tuttavia, sono maggiori i flussi illegali, sono più forti le resistenze ad accettare altri immigrati e si temono invasioni a seguito dell'allargamento ad Est dell'Unione. In questo libro esperti di immigrazione in Europa hanno portato il loro contributo per esaminare in dettaglio implicazioni e sfaccettature del fenomeno: l'atteggiamento dei cittadini europei verso l'immigrazione, le politiche dell'immigrazione, il rapporto tra immigrazione e welfare.

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